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Empowering Women in Real Estate® - The Podcast with Karen Cooper

Sep 18, 2024

Chances are you have worn a lot of hats over the years and had a lot of different jobs before you came to real estate … and I’d be willing to bet that there is a lot of experience there that helped to prepare you for your current career.
In today’s episode of Empowering Women in Real Estate® - The Podcast, I’m sharing some of the things that make up my resume, and how they have supported my role in real estate.
I’ve been a Project Manager for Clinical Trials, a Bank Teller, and EMT-Shock Trauma Technician, even worked at a daycare center. It was fun to look back and talk through each of those roles and experiences in this episode.
Thank you to Inner Circle Member Kris Norwine for the suggestion!
You can listen in on your favorite podcast app or by clicking the link below.
What are some of your jobs before real estate?

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