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Empowering Women in Real Estate® - The Podcast with Karen Cooper

Nov 29, 2023

Picture this … you go to sit down and write out the birthday cards for the month for your clients. 

Then you can’t find any stamps.

And you are out of coffee gift cards.

So you run out to the store to pick up the supplies.

While you’re out you might as well pick up your dry cleaning and pick up something for...

Nov 22, 2023

Real Talk: Sometimes it’s hard to feel grateful.

You KNOW you should. You KNOW there are many things to feel grateful for, AND the season you are in can make that feel really, really hard.

Our annual gratitude episode of Empowering Women in Real Estate® - The Podcast is taking a bit of an unconventional turn, but...

Nov 15, 2023

It’s that time of year again … time to review your year, set your goals and make your plans for your business and your marketing.

We have a comprehensive system that works for this, and I am a huge proponent of doing this work NOW vs later in the year.

You can learn all about it on today’s episode of Empowering...

Nov 8, 2023

Have you ever tried to tell a friend about a problem you are having but get frustrated because they start offering solutions … and all you wanted to do is vent?
Or vice versa?
I first learned about this distinction at a family meeting at my youngest’s educational center and it has forever changed how I think...

Nov 1, 2023

The fourth quarter is upon us, can you believe it?

It’s time to take a look at your third quarter, where you’ve been and how you’re doing, and look forward to changes you need to make for fourth quarter. Whether you’ve had a great year or a terrible one (or somewhere in between), now is not the time to let it...